Plan Your Dream Wedding with us.

We'll organize your unique day.

Why us?

At Mathna, we make a life time event a celebration of precious moments to be remembered for ever as sweet memory that stays all days and nights in accordance with Sharia.

Magical Journey

Marriage is a scared journey of life for believers traveling as husband and wife to reach Jannat in life hereafter as final destination, where we continue to live as husband and wife for ever.

Unique Beauty

Beauty is universal language spoken by all livings of the earth, everything is created beautiful physically, wedding is when that beauty is observed and celebrated from dressing, sitting, transporting, eating, even talking, everything must be beautiful, At Mathna we observe beauty and celebrate weddings in accordance with Sharia.  

Be one of Us

Be One of Us
Islam says all Muslims are brothers and sisters. We are one family, our father holy prophet Muhammad Sallah aleih wasallama (peace be upon him) and his wives mothers of believers, our grandfather is prophet Ibrahim aleih salaam and his wives grand mothers of believers. Thus we are called Family of Islam. So its an obligation of every believer to take care of his Muslim sister. Submitt your email. 
600 George Street
Mayfair, Johannesburg