

At Mathna we Make Nikah easy and possible for souls destined to celebrate their lives as husband and wife in piety traveling together through journey of life as heirs of Jannat, Alwarithin.
Marriage is a scared journey of life for believers traveling as husband and wife to reach Jannat in life hereafter as final destination, where we continue to live as husband and wife for ever.
Therefore as Heirs of Jannat, Alwarithin , we put more emphasis on marriage starting from the beginning, we encourage believers to look for wife or husdband from within Alwarithin members as first priority.

Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallah llah aleih wasallama said: Mary a wife for one of four reasons:1.Beauty
2. Family
3. Wealth
4. Deen
He warned that if you choose a wife for other reasons than deen, its upon you. Meaning do not expect her to be a good wife for ever. So the best wife is the best with deen